Sunday, May 15, 2011

TIPS! # 1

Oh hello :D
Alright, this is my first tip post for my own blog. Hopefully the contents are useful to some of you (: Oh! and pardon for the photos because I need to learn how to take things from different angels. So ya, the photos for this post isn't so nice and realistic k? SORRY!

Alright! I shall start now!

Many people of troubles with their hairs especially ladies.
Split ends, frizzy hairs, and dandruff are the key to hair problems which will further lead to people throwing tantrum. So here's some tips for you :D

Alright, for my case, I have really bad hair due to many times of chemical process going on for a few years... which then resulted in, dandruff, frizzy hairs and split ends. Well, my hair has improved after I used these methods so hopefully this will help some of you too!

Like seriously! STOP!
I'd stopped using that for like 1.5 years? and it works! my hair seems to be healthier and and less frizzy. Well, that's obviously a good news. So people asked, what I do to dry my hair. Ok, I will say towel but if your hair is those super extremely healthy kind I suggest you not to rub your towel against your hair. What you can do is just pad your hair with the towel though it takes a longer time but why not? OR try invest it on "Charcoal towel" ok it sounds weird its useful. I used to have it but I have no idea where I throw it to so I don't have the photo of it but you can go down to Sasa and try asking for it or any Japanese stores. It's hard when it's dry and when it touches water it feels like sponge. It's black in color (or other color if they have invented new ones). Yup. For me, I use towel and fan to dry my hair before I head out. Fan may not be the ideal way but it's way better than a hairdrier. Oh! and I found another thing, if you're not in a rush, after you pad your hair, just let it dry naturally, the result is damn satisfying!

This might sound like an expensive way to take care of your hair. Guess what, I'm doing it every Sunday! Ok I'm not rich la, what I meant was home-made diy hair treatment. It's easy, cheap and it only take 1 hr of your time! so why not?

Farger Kelter Series

Well, for so many treatment gel I'd tried this is the best! It shows me result after like 2 months of using it. It cost me like 22 bucks for such a big tub! I think you can get it at or you can pm me for the address. It's a shop in the Old Turf Club where the current giant is at now!

How to apply! Alright, for those with dandruff I recommend you to use your desired dandruff shampoo the night before applying this. Ok, before applying, wet your hair. Then you take a sum out of your plum and apply it BUT NOT ON YOUR SCALP! Focus more at the ends of your hairs and then curl up like this.

For those with the hair steamer at home, steam your hair for 20 mins and let it rest for 15 mins before washing off (: For those without steamer just let it set for 1 hour or more BUT NOT MORE THAN 2 HOURS! because I had once or more let it set on my hair for more than 3 hours and the next thing I know my hair had lots of frizzy ends the next morning! so nono, 1 hour will be a perfect timing for it.!

PLEASE WASH IT CLEAN with clean water than shampoo! like your normal bathing (:
(will teach later on)
So this is how your hair will look like after bathing.

For me, I use to wash my hair and find that it has one oily patch in the middle of my hair which will then lead to several hair problems! Like dropping of hair and stuff. While, then one day I told my Mummy about this problem and she pushed me into the toilet and wash my hair. First she shampooed my hair then she washed it off using the water hose! AND THE RESULT IT THERE!
NO MORE OILY PATCH! ok, obviously, it's too cold to wash under the water hose right? So here is my improvised version of it. First shampoo your hair (like mmhmm), wash it off with your shower head then wash it using the water from the water hose for 10 seconds (if you're afraid of cold, simply bend your body downwards and wash it with that). OR if your shower heads can adjust the "power of it" the adjust it to the biggest so that the water will be strong enough to seep into your thick hair and washed the shampoos away!

Use it daily! after every bath! well, let it set for 5 minutes before washing off! (:

For people with dandruff, find yourself the dandruff shampoo that suits your hair most!
Because it will eventually make your hair dandruff free but frizzy! So what I suggest is, twice a week (: then the rest of the days, use those normal shampoos! And I know people with dandruff will tend to put your hands in your hair and start scratching! well, stop it! it works, once you get over that itchness, you won't feel like scratching it anymore :D


Alright here's how your comb your hair the right way. (See it from some experts)

Wait till it's 70% dry!

Then use a brush!

Not only all these, first use the brush to brush your hair from the bottom half of your hair!
Then use your brush to brush your hair from the top till half of your hair length.
Lastly, brush your hair from the top till the end.
Why? If you were to comb your hair when it's still very wet, the pores of your hairs are still open and by combing it, it will break the "fiber" in it. So wait till your hair is 70% dry when it's at it's stronger stage then brush it. And why bottom half first, so that you can brush those tangled hair first because if you were to comb from top till end and at the same time untangled those tangled hair your hair will definitely break. So untangled the bottom half first, then the top half, then all the way down :D


What you consume into your body affects not only your hair but your complexion!
As said, never miss your beauty sleep (:


Well, I hope this will help you people!
If you have any questions and anything you don't uds, email me @ ok?

Love, D.

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